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Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the Creative Balloons Online Shop ("the website") operated by Emerald Fire Trading 209cc t/a Creative Balloons ("the company"). By accessing or using the website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the website.


Product Information and Availability

All the products displayed on the website are subject to availability, and we reserve the right to discontinue any product, offer, or service at any time for any reason. We strives to provide accurate and up-to-date product information. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of product descriptions, images, or other content.


Pricing and Payment

Prices displayed in the website are in the currency specified and exclude applicable shipping and handling charges. We reserves the right to amend prices at any time without prior notice. Payment for orders must be made in full and reflected in account at least 48 hours before collection time. 


Intellectual Property

All content, trademarks, logos, and other intellectual property displayed in the website are the property of the company or its licensors. You may not reproduce, distribute, modify, or use any intellectual property without prior written consent from the company.


Limitation of Liability

The company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from your use or inability to use the website, including but not limited to errors, delays, or interruptions in operation. The company's liability for any claim related to the website or these Terms and Conditions is limited to the amount paid by you for the specific products giving rise to the claim. 



The company reserves the right to modify or update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Revised terms will be effective upon posting on the website. It is your responsibility to review the Terms and Conditions periodically.


Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of South Africa. Any disputes arising from or related to the website or these Terms and Conditions shall be resolved through good-faith negotiations. If no resolution can be reached, the dispute may be referred to arbitration or the competent courts of South Africa.


By using Creative Balloons Online Shop, you agree to comply all the terms and conditions mentioned above.

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